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Australian investigative reporters says Fukushima workers gagged

Mark Willacy (left) an investigative radio reporter with the Australian Broadasting Corporation says Fukushima workers are being forbidden from talking to the media while TEPCO is going to great lengths to keep activities at the crippled plant secret. One former worker at the plant told the ABC how they were given sub-standard protective gear after the accidents. Reported Willacy: "'I was not told how much radiation I would be exposed to or how high the radiation would be,' says this man who worked at the Fukushima plant during the meltdowns. 'They just gave me an anorak to wear and sent me to work. I worked at installing vents inside the reactor buildings to get rid of the steam so we could avert another explosion,' he tells me. There's a good reason why this Fukushima worker doesn't want his identity revealed and that's because like others, he's been gagged."

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