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Thousands of anti-nuclear shareholders make their voices heard at Tepco annual meeting

Reuters reports that a large block of thousands of anti-nuclear shareholders made their voices heard at Tokyo Electric Power Company's annual meeting, campaigning in favor of a nuclear phase-out by the company that was only stopped by the influence of large institutional investors. A recent poll showed that nearly 70% of Japanese respondents favored a permanent closure of any reactors currently shut down for maintenance or inspections, even if that meant blackouts this summer during the peak annual demand. A whopping 35 of 54 atomic reactors are still shut down in Japan, a full three months and three weeks since the start of the Fukushima nuclear catastrophe. BBC entitled its coverage of the clamor "Tepco faces shareholder wrath following nuclear crisis." Greenpeace protestors outside the meeting held signs reading TEPCO: The worst Ever Polluting COmpany.

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