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The devil's in the details with radioactive hot particle fallout from Fukushima Daiichi nuclear catastrophe

Arnie Gundersen at Fairewinds Associates, in a video dated June 12th posted online at their Fukushima Updates Section, delves into those devils in the details. He reports, based on air filter documentation gathered by independent scientists on the ground in Japan, that residents of Tokyo likely inhaled 10 hot particles from Fukushima daily during the month of April. Residents of Fukushima Prefecture, however, inhaled 300 to 400 hot particles daily. But even residents of Seattle, Washington, likely inhaled 5 hot particles per day during April, which had blown all the way across the Pacific Ocean. Once in the human lung, or other internal tissue, such hot particles cannot be detected by a simple gamma radiation monitor. But they are now in a place where they can do great damage to human health, such as initiate cancer. This information belies false assurances by top U.S. federal officials, whether at the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission or even President Obama himself, who told the American media and public that no harmful levels of radioactivity would reach U.S. territory. The National Academy of Science has reaffirmed time and again for decades that any exposure to radiation, no matter how small, carries a health risk; the higher the dose, the higher the risk, in a linear relationship; and that those risks accumulate over a lifetime. The title of NRC's March 13th media release, two days into the Fukushima nuclear catastrophe, "NRC SEES NO RADIATION AT HARMFUL LEVELS REACHING U.S. FROM DAMAGED JAPANESE NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS," begs the question -- is NRC simply "looking the other way"?!

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