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Fairewinds warns Japan against burning Fukushima fallout contamination

In a Fairewinds Associates video dated August 21st, Arnie Gundersen warns against the current practice in Japan of burning radioactively contaminated substances with the high radiation level of 8,000 bequerels per kilogram or less -- including the trick of "blending" more contaminated materials with less contaminated in order to average out to "burnable" levels. The problem? Fukushima fallout that has settled on the land and objects is re-suspended in the air, to re-contaminate areas that have been checked and declared to be of low contamination or contamination free, increasing their contamination levels.

Arnie also explains how high levels of radioactive sulfur were formed at Fukushima Daiichi, to then show up in the atmosphere in California, as a recent scientific study confirms (Gundersen misspeaks -- chlorine, not sodium, in seawater absorbing neutrons forms radioactive sulfur). The vast amount of neutrons needed to generate so much radioactive sulfur, Gundersen explains, is evidence that nuclear criticality or chain reactions continued long after the March 11 earthquake caused control rods to snuff out the nuclear reactions in the Units 1, 2 and 3 cores before the melt downs began.

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