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Data on worker radiation exposures at Fukushima Daiichi 

On page 5 of its Dec. 8, 2011 "Fukushima Daiichi Status Report," the UN's IAEA provides a table showing nuclear power plant workers' exposures to radiation doses. Maximus doses (expressed in MilliSieverts, mSv) to a worker, by month, are list as: 670.36 in the month of March; 69.28 in the month of April; 41.61 in the month of May; 39.62 in the month of June; 31.24 in the month of July; 18.27 in the month of August; 30.81 in the month of September; and 21.43 in the month of October.

Altogether, many thousands of workers are shown to have been exposed to radiation doses of "Less than 10 mSv" or greater. The table does not make clear if the same individuals were exposed over again in more than one month.

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