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Radioactive cesium confirmed in ocean and life forms 375 miles offshore from Fukushima-Daiichi

A study published in the U.S. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, entitled "Fukushima-derived radioanuclides in the ocean and biota off Japan," reports in its abstract:

"A major finding is detection of Fukushima-derived 134Cs [Cesium-134] and 137Cs [Cesium-137] throughout waters 30–600 km [18.5-375 mi] offshore, with the highest activities associated with near-shore eddies and the Kuroshio Current acting as a southern boundary for transport. Fukushima-derived Cs [Cesium] isotopes were also detected in zooplankton and mesopelagic fish [those living in the ocean at a depth of between 600 ft (180 m) and 3,000 ft (900 m)], and unique to this study we also find 110mAg [radioactive Silver-110m] in zooplankton… Importantly, our data are consistent with higher estimates of the magnitude of Fukushima fallout and direct releases… We address risks to public health and marine biota by showing that though Cs isotopes are elevated 10–1,000× over prior levels in waters off Japan, radiation risks due to these radionuclides are below those generally considered harmful to marine animals and human consumers, and even below those from naturally occurring radionuclides."

The reassurances in the last sentence above remain silent about the dynamics of bio-concentration, which means radioactive contaminants concentrate as they move up the food chain. Indeed, dilution is NOT the solution to radioactive pollution -- and neither is delusion!

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