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Japanese government agencies ignored U.S. DOE measurements of high radiation in critical first days after Fukushima catastrophe began

U.S. DOE data, available to the Japanese federal ministries in March 2011, but ignored -- to the peril of thousands of Japanese nuclear refugees, who unknowingly evacuated directly into the worst of the falloutThe Asahi Shimbun has reported that more than one Japanese federal government agency responisible for protecting its citizens against radioactivity releases during a nuclear accident failed to act on U.S. Department of Energy provided data, showing high radiation levels escaping Fukushima Daiichi to the northwest -- precisely where thousands of fleeing residents evacuated to.

This shocking news is in addition to reports made public many months ago, that multiple Japanese federal agencies had SPEEDI computer modeling data in hand, showing that high radioactive fallout was occurring exactly where villagers from Namie had evacuated to.

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