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Japan seriously considering the nuclear-free option

In the face of strident anti-nuclear public sentiment, the Japanese government will consider abandoning nuclear power generation, sources said, a turnaround from its previous stance of continued reliance, writes Ken Sakakibara in the Asahi Shimbun. The government had been looking to scale back the contribution of nuclear energy to 15% but is now seriously considering a zero option. Huge popular opposition to nuclear power has been building in Japan since the March 11, 2011 triple meltdown at Fukushima Daiichi. A government panel has been examining public opinion on nuclear power and is set to conclude that a 15% option will be unpopular. Political expediency may eventually force Japan to follow the German example and phase out nuclear altogether. However, current indications are that Prime Minister Noda, despite meeting with anti-nuclear activists (pictured), prefers to cling at least partially to the nuclear path.

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