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Former NRC Chair Jaczko urges Japan to solve radioactive water leakage disaster at Fukushima Daiichi, and to seek non-nuclear sources of electricity

Former NRC Chairman Greg Jaczko's NRC file photo during his 2009-2012 tenure.In an article comprised of interview extracts entitled "FUKUSHIMA WATER CRISIS: Water recycling systems urgently needed, ex-chairman of U.S. nuclear watchdog says," the Asahi Shimbun reports that former U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Chairman, Greg Jaczko (photo, left), advises that TEPCO and the Japanese national government needs to fix the radioactive water leaks at Fukushima Daiichi, in order to preserve its international credibility. He also urges the electric utilities of Japan to look to more "efficient and effective" sources of electricity generation, rather than nuclear power, obviously -- in light of the ongoing Fukushima Daiichi nuclear catastrophe -- at risk of catastrophic failure.

Before becoming NRC's Chairman under President Obama in 2009, Jaczko had served as an NRC Commissioner from 2005 to 2009.