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Will TEPCO be dissolved amidst ongoing crises and radioactive aftermath of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear catastrophe?

As reported by Reuters, senior Liberal Democratic Party of Japan officials, such as Tadamori Oshima (photo, left) are seriously considering breaking up Tokyo Electric Power Company in response to its poor job of dealing with the radioactive aftermath of ongoing the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear catastrophe.

The Japanese national government effectively nationalized TEPCO. Now, considerations are under way to carve off the Fukushima Daiichi radioactive water contamination crises, as well as the site's decades-long decommissioning challenges (with a price tab beginning at $100 billion), from TEPCO's traditional electricity generating activities. Another major headache is the radioactive decontamination challenge over a region about as big as the U.S. state of Connecticut.