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"Fukui court ruling barring nuclear plant restart seen as precedent"

A Kyodo article republished by Mainichi reports that the May 21st court ruling in Fukui Prefecture, blocking the restart of two atomic reactors at Oi nuclear power plant, is being cited by plaintiffs in more than a dozen additional lawsuits across Japan seeking to block restart of many of Japan's remaining 48 operable atomic reactors. Six atomic reactors -- four wrecked, and two "retired" -- were lost in the aftermath of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear catastrophe that began on March 11, 2011.

As reported:

"In the ruling, the Fukui court said nuclear plants are 'merely a tool for generating electricity and thus inferior to people's fundamental rights' to life and that it 'would be natural to suspend nuclear plants if they pose specific risks.'

It also said plaintiffs who live within 250 kilometers of the Oi plant face real risks."