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Harvey Wasserman: "Fukushima is still happening"

Harvey WassermanHarvey Wasserman of Solartopia fame (photo, left) hosted Beyond Nuclear's Paul Gunter and Kevin Kamps on his Progressive Radio Network show "Green Power and Wellness." Harvey's intro is below, and you can listen to the full show at this link here. Harvey plans to have Paul and Kevin back on his show on July 22nd.

FUKUSHIMA IS STILL HAPPENING as we hear from PAUL GUNTER and KEVIN KAMPS of BEYOND NUCLEAR about the horrific on-going disaster in Japan.  Far from being calmed and cool, the crisis in spent fuel management continues at Fukushima. Loss of coolant in Unit Five’s spent fuel pool has developed.  Units Four, Three, Two and One are also in varying states of flux, to the extent that Tokyo Electric has taken a “vacation” from bring down damaged fuel rods at Unit Four.  Paul also reports that a two-inch piece of spent plutonium fuel has been found more than a mile away from the reactors, along with many other fragments of what was obviously a fission explosion.  That the assault on nuclear regulators in Japan continues.  And that the Japanese people have stood firm against opening any of the 48 other reactors still shut.  NONE of this is being reported in ANY corporate media despite its life-and-death impacts on us all.  Paul and Kevin will be back with us for more reports.  In the meantime, please listen closely and send the links for this important show so others can know that FUKUSHIMA IS NOT OVER!!!