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Demolition of symbol of triple calamity: earthquake, tsunami, nuclear catastrophe

As reported by the Asahi Shimbun, demolition crews are dismantling a haunting symbol of the 3/11/11 triple catastrophe of earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear catastrophe (the latter aspect still unfolding, nearly four years later): the central train station in Tomioko, less than 20 km south of Fukushima Daiichi.

The train station was inundated and destroyed by the tsunami. The entire town was then evacuated due to radioactive contamination.

More recently, visitors have been allowed back during daytime hours -- although Asahi Shimbun photos reveal that visitors wisely wear radiation protection suits and dust masks. (Is it enough? The article doesn't report radiation measurements in the air, dust, etc.).

Due to the risk of collapse, and the growing number of visitors to the symbolic site, the authorities have decided to take down the structures.

No date certain has been set for restoration of rail service in the quake and tsunami damaged, radioactively contaminated area.