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"Fishermen oppose dumping radioactive water into sea"

As reported by JIJI and posted at Japan Times, "The National Federation of Fisheries Cooperative Associations called on the Abe administration Tuesday not to allow the release of radioactive water from the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant into the sea."

Tokyo Electric and the Abe administration are planning to begin releases in 2017, supposedly after radioisotopes such as Cesium-137, Cesium-134, Strontium-90, etc. are filtered out (where the contaminated filters will be stored or buried is not clear).

The article does not report, however, that tritium cannot be economically filtered out at an industrial scale. Thus, the official plan, currently, is simply to release the 100 million gallons of tritiated water into the ocean.

Tritium can go anywhere in the human body hydrogen goes, which is everywhere, such as right down to the DNA molecule, where it can cause damage, including genetic damage. Tritium bio-concentrates in the food chain -- just the dynamic the fishermen are concerned about.