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Fate of Fukushima No. 2 nuclear plant remains unknown

As reported by Jiji, and reprinted in Japan Times.

As the article reports, the ruling Liberal Democratic Party of Japan has shrugged its shoulders, and and said it is up to Tokyo Electric Power Company to decide if and when Fukushima Daini is decommissioned.

The opposition Democratic Party of Japan has called for immediate decommissioning.

The Prefecture of Fukushima, for its part, has called for Fukushima Daini to be decommissioned, consistently, since the beginning of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear catastrophe on 3/11/11.

In addition, Mycle Schneider et al., in the annual World Nuclear Industry Status Report, have predicted that Fukushima Daini will likely never operate again.

Fukushima Daini is located just seven miles south of Fukushima Daiichi (Daini means Two, while Daiichi One, in Japanase).

The four reactors at Fukushima Daini narrowly averted catastrophe on 3/11/11 themselves. The grid was largely lost there as well, and all emergency diesel generators were destroyed by the tsunami. The plant was saved by a single surviving off-site power line.