No Olympics or Paralympics in Radioactive Fukushima!

Please read on, and consider signing Fukushima Fallout Awareness Network's petition.
The petition begins:
Children are our most beloved and cherished gift and they are also the most vulnerable to the generational damage of man-made radiation in air, food, soil and water. Around the world children who are currently adolescent and possibly younger are in training to compete at the 2020 Summer Olympics and Paralympics in Japan. Their parents most likely have no idea that some of the venues are near the most devastating and ongoing nuclear and industrial disaster in world history, Fukushima Daiichi.
World Athletes to Compete at Venue 12 Miles From Fukushima Ground Zero
Mar 11, 2017 — Thank you for being a supporter of this petition. As you know today, March 11, marks 6 long and painful years since the catastrophic Fukushima nuclear crisis began wreaking havoc on our biosphere. It's one of those days where we all remember where we were and what we were doing when we first heard the news. And now, adding more shock is the FACT that In only 3 short YEARS young ATHLETES from around the world WILL GATHER TO COMPETE at the 2020 Summer Olympics in Japan AT VENUES LOCATED IN FUKUSHIMA PREFECTURE. Please excuse the caps, but this news needs to be shouted from rooftops. Young, vulnerable Olympic and Paralympic athletes currently in training will be required to compete in soccer, baseball and possibly more events at "J Village". (Young people and young girls, in particular, are the most vulnerable to radiation's debilitating health effects.) J Village was formerly used in 2011 as the primary disaster center for the unfolding Fukushima crisis and is a mere 12 miles from the worst ongoing radiological disaster on the planet.
Recently social media was abuzz with news that radiation had spiked dramatically at Fukushima. In truth, the astronomically high radiation levels have been there for 6 years, but only until very recently has detection equipment been able to gather more accurate readings. And yet, plans continue to gather athletes, many of them children, from around the world to compete at Fukushima. Seriously, folks, you can not make this stuff up.
Please honor these past 6 years and many more to come by sharing the petition widely today. It includes a new update by Fairewinds, and some new recipients as well:
Thank you for your support!
Fukushima Fallout Awareness Network