Struggling With Japan’s Nuclear Waste, Six Years After Disaster

As reported by Motoko Rich in the New York Times.
The artice reports the following breakdown of radioactive waste categories and quantities:
400 tons of contaminated water per day (which has grown over the years into an inventory of 962,000 tons of contaminated water, stored in 1,000 giant tanks; this volume continues to grow by the day);
3,519 Containers of Radioactive Sludge;
64,700 Cubic Meters of Discarded Protective Clothing;
Branches and Logs From 220 Acres of Deforested Land;
200,400 Cubic Meters of Radioactive Rubble;
3.5 Billion Gallons of Soil;
1,573 [Irradiated, Highly Radioactive] Nuclear Fuel [Assemblies].