Resistance against "radioactive recycling" across North America and beyond
As reported by NIRS, radioactive metal "recycling" activities in the U.S. have, for several years now, been concentrated in Tennessee. However, the Orwellian-named "NewGreen" has opened for business on Ohio's Lake Erie shoreline, between Davis-Besse and Perry nuclear power plants, hoping to send radioactive metal into the consumer product stream for a profit. For two and a half years, grassroots opposition from Michigan to Quebec and Europe has successfully blocked Bruce Nuclear's attempt to "recycle" 64 giant radioactive steam generators into consumer products at Sweden's Studsvik, by shipping them via boat on the Great Lakes and Atlantic. This has happened, despite the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission's rubberstamp for the plan, by blocking the U.S. Department of Transportation's Pipelines and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration from approving the shipment, backed by hundreds of Quebecois munipalities protesting, and Mohawks vowing to physically block the boat on the Saint Lawrence River.
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