VLLW: "Very Low Level Radioactive Waste" = Very Large Lies, Very Long Lasting
The nuclear power industry and its lapdog regulator (Nuclear Regulatory Commission, NRC), even more toothless under Trump, has invented a new and deceptive name for nuclear power waste, calling it “Very Low Level,” or VLLW.
The fact is that VLLW is not only Very Long-Lasting Waste, but also extremely dangerous to human health and the environment.
Need more groups VLLW Action Needed: Sign-on by Thurs7-16 midnight Stop Nuclear Waste out of control to Landfills and more!
Say NO to dumping nuclear waste at landfills and municipal waste sites!
July 15, 2020
Dear Friends,
This is one of the most unethical proposals ever put out by the NRC.
It’s not just an environmental justice violation, it is a Civil Rights outrage. (We all know where landfills and hazardous dumps get sited.)
The proposal is also deceptive. NRC is calling a dramatic rule change a proposal “to expand the interpretation” of a rule. The NRC is also using the semantics of “VLLW” – “very low level waste” – to refer to any type of nuclear waste besides spent fuel. This includes intensely radioactive material/waste that will remain dangerous for literally centuries to come.
So PLEASE add your ORGANIZATION/ group name to the list of people who care about whether low-income and communities of color get poisoned generation-after-generation. Even with the best available technology, these dumps will emit radioactivity into the air, leach into the ground, and leak into groundwater and waterways..
The broader environmental and general public health issues here are also extremely serious. Radioactive particulates – hazardous for decades and centuries – present a particularly grave danger to ecosystems, infants, children, adolescents and women.
The Nuclear Information and Resource Service (NIRS) has prepared Comments for groups to support. Please take a minute and sign-on by Thursday July 16, 2020. Sign On By Thurs July 16th midnight on this Google Form
Also consider submitting your own submission to the NRC at: VLLWTransferComments.Resource@nrc.gov. The final deadline is July 20, 2020.
Many thanks.
Michel Lee
Council on Intelligent Energy & Conservation Policy
Promoting Health and Sustainable Energy
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