NEW OHIO NUKE MONEY GRAB: Bill risks security, environment, taxes

Fifty-six groups have written Ohio's Senate Energy and Public Utilities Committee, opposing HB 104, the “Advanced Nuclear Technology Helping Energize Mankind Act” (“ANTHEM”), which would promote new reactors, reprocessing, etc. See the coalition media release, and a concise backgrounder, "A Radioactive Taxpayer Giveaway." The coalition letter is still open for more group signatures until 11:59pm ET, Sunday, December 6. You don't have to be in Ohio to sign; just email <> with your name, the group name, address, city, state, zip code, and email address. Individuals can also take action. This latest attempted money grab comes amidst ongoing fallout from the HB 6 scandal -- the $61 million alleged bribery scheme that secured $1.5 billion in nuclear subsidies. Please act against HB 6, too!