





Nuclear Costs

Estimates for new reactor construction costs continue to sky-rocket. Conservative estimates range between $6 and $12 billion per reactor but Standard & Poor's predicts a continued rise. The nuclear power industry is lobbying for heavy federal subsidization including unlimited loan guarantees but the Congressional Budget Office predicts the risk of default will be well over 50 percent, leaving taxpayers to foot the bill. Beyond Nuclear opposes taxpayer and ratepayer subsidies for the nuclear energy industry.



FBI agents search PUCO chairman’s home

As reported by Fox19 Now t.v. in OH.

Although not yet confirmed, it appears highly likely that the FBI raid on the Public Utility Commission of Ohio chairman Sam Randazzo is connected to the nuclear power alleged bribery/bailout scandal. The scandal involves FirstEnergy Nuclear, which allegedly bribed OH's speaker of the state house, Larry Householder, to the tune of $61 million. The alleged bribe was made in order to secure, and defend, a $1.3 billion bailout, at Ohio ratepayer expense, to prop up two dangerously age-degraded, economically failed atomic reactors on the Lake Erie shore, as well as dirty old coal burners, including a plant in Indiana.

Before succeeding at the OH state legislature, FirstEnergy had tried, time and time again for several long years, to secure its nuclear bailout at the PUCO. But it was blocked time and again by opponents, including Beyond Nuclear, on behalf of our members and supporters in OH.


OHIO NUKE BAILOUT SCANDAL: Yet more FirstEnergy officials fired

In July, news broke that FirstEnergy (FE) Nuclear allegedly bribed the Ohio House Speaker, Larry Householder, and others, with $61 million to secure and defend a $1.3 billion ratepayer bailout for its dangerously age-degraded Davis-Besse and Perry atomic reactors on the Lake Erie shore, as well as dirty, old coal burners, including one in Indiana.

On October 29, the U.S. Attorney announced guilty pleas from two co-conspirators -- a top aide to Householder, and a FE lobbyist. In response, FE abruptly fired three top executives, including CEO Chuck Jones. Now FE has fired its top legal and ethics officers.

Ohioans, please take action: demand the state legislature repeal the scandalous, allegedly criminally obtained nuclear/coal bailout. (Or spread word to Ohioans you know.)  

Ohio Nuclear Bailout Scandal -- WHAT YOU CAN DO!

What can you do? If you live in Ohio, please contact your Ohio State Representative, your Ohio State Senator (find your legislators and their contact information via those preceding links), and Governor DeWine. Urge them to do all they can to quickly repeal House Bill 6 (HB6), and revoke FE's ill-gotten $1.3 bailout at public expense. You can also write your state legislators via the easy-to-use webform at, where you can also learn more, by accessing articles, watching the video recordings of the three "People's Hearings" held in recent weeks, and signing up to receive updates on the HB6 repeal campaign. (If you don't live in Ohio, please forward this action alert to people you know who do!)

OHIO NUCLEAR BAILOUT SCANDAL -- Conspirators plead guilty, execs fired, FirstEnergy's ratings downgraded -- WHAT YOU CAN DO!

Action alert sent to our members and supporters in Ohio:

In July, news broke that FirstEnergy (FE) Nuclear allegedly bribed the Ohio House Speaker, Larry Householder, and perhaps others, with $61 million, to secure, and defend, a $1.3 billion Ohio ratepayer-funded bailout for its dangerously age-degraded Davis-Besse and Perry atomic reactors on the Lake Erie shore, as well as dirty, old coal burners, including one in Indiana.

On October 29, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Ohio announced guilty pleas from two of the indicted co-conspirators -- a top aide to Householder, and a FE lobbyist. In response, FE abruptly fired three top executives, including its CEO Chuck Jones, who presided over the company during passage of House Bill 6 (HB6) in 2019, its successful but highly controversial defense against a popular ballot initiative petition drive, and this year's revelation of the federal charges alleging public corruption racketeering conspiracy, reportedly the largest in Ohio's history.

As reported by the Akron Beacon Journal, FE's HQ hometown newspaper, Fitch Ratings downgraded FE over its CEO's firing, amidst the investigation of alleged bribery.

Also on Oct. 29, Beyond Nuclear testified at an environmental coalition "People's Hearing," organized to demand the OH state legislature and governor quickly repeal the scandalous, allegedly criminal nuclear/coal bailout, which has already resulted in guilty pleas by two indicted co-conspirators.

What can you do? If you live in Ohio, please contact your Ohio State Representative, your Ohio State Senator (find your legislators and their contact information via those preceding links), and Governor DeWine. Urge them to do all they can to quickly repeal House Bill 6 (HB6), and revoke FE's ill-gotten $1.3 bailout at public expense. You can also write your state legislators via the easy-to-use webform at, where you can also learn more, by accessing articles, watching the video recordings of the three "People's Hearings" held in recent weeks, and signing up to receive updates on the HB6 repeal campaign. (If you don't live in Ohio, please forward this action alert to people you know who do!)


Midwest Energy News headlines for 11/5 re: nuclear power bailout scandals in OH, IL

UTILITIES: Ohio regulators seek an independent third-party auditor to review FirstEnergy’s corporate separation during the period leading up to the passage of the state’s power plant bailout law. (Akron Beacon Journal)

• Exelon considers plans to separate its multi-state utilities from its generation businesses as it prepares to close two of its 21 nuclear plants. (Greentech Media)