





Nuclear Costs

Estimates for new reactor construction costs continue to sky-rocket. Conservative estimates range between $6 and $12 billion per reactor but Standard & Poor's predicts a continued rise. The nuclear power industry is lobbying for heavy federal subsidization including unlimited loan guarantees but the Congressional Budget Office predicts the risk of default will be well over 50 percent, leaving taxpayers to foot the bill. Beyond Nuclear opposes taxpayer and ratepayer subsidies for the nuclear energy industry.



Opponents to nuclear/coal bailout in OH clear initial ballot referendum hurdle

See the Cleveland Plain Dealer coverage: Proposed anti-House Bill 6 (HB6) referendum clears initial hurdle

See AG Yost Letter certifying language

You can also view the Ballot Referendum Language here if there is a problem with the link immediately above.
It has been reported that HB6 coal/nuclear bailout supporters have purchased $1 million in advertizing on television and radio. The first anti-petition television ad has begun airing this week. 
View it here. Remarkably, absurdly, incredibly, it claims HB6 opponents are pawns of Red China! Quite to the contrary, they include the corporate competitors to nuclear and coal (including renewables and efficiency), as well as AARP, ratepayer advocates, environmentalists, etc. Ironically, HB6 is pure corporate socialism, benefitting FirstEnergy Nuclear, an atom splitter and coal burner. So much for capitalism -- FirstEnergy seems to oppose the concept of competitive capitalism with a level playing field, embracing rather a nuclear and coal version of robber baron, crony, monopolistic capitalism, at the expense of its competitors, as well as the public.
The ad campaign even also goes after anti-HB6 petition gatherers directly. In this sense, the HB6 supporters behind these ads are, yet again, attacking Ohio democracy, enshrined in its constitution, directly.
Some Ohio newspaper editorial boards have already lambasted the ad for its preposterousness.

Ad invokes spurious Chinese invasion of Ohio to try to head off HB 6 referendum: editorial


FirstEnergy Solutions behind argument against Ohio nuclear subsidy referendum | Midwest Energy News

OHIO: A public records request reveals FirstEnergy Solutions is behind a tax argument being advanced by a law firm seeking to block a referendum on a recent bill granting subsidies to nuclear and coal plants. (Energy News Network)

ALSO: A new group backing the nuclear and coal subsidies launches a $1 million advertising campaign attempting to thwart a referendum on the bill that the group claims is backed by the Chinese government. (Cleveland Plain Dealer)


FirstEnergy turns on supporters


FirstEnergy Solutions bankruptcy wouldn’t honor union contracts | Midwest Energy News

UTILITIES: FirstEnergy Solutions tells a bankruptcy court that it won’t honor existing union contracts, which means power plant workers who helped lobby for the recent Ohio bailout bill could lose traditional pensions if a judge agrees to the utility’s restructuring plan. (Utility Dive)