





Nuclear Weapons

Beyond Nuclear advocates for the elimination of all nuclear weapons and argues that removing them can only make us safer, not more vulnerable. The expansion of commercial nuclear power across the globe only increases the chance that more nuclear weapons will be built and is counterproductive to disarmament. We also cover nuclear weapons issues on our international site, Beyond Nuclear International.



Support S. 200, the Restricting First Use of Nuclear Weapons Act! Contact both your U.S. Senators!

Senate Bill 200 (S. 200), the Restricting First Use of Nuclear Weapons Act of 2017, would prohibit the U.S. President from using the Armed Forces to conduct a first-use nuclear strike unless such strike is conducted pursuant to a congressional declaration of war expressly authorizing such strike.

"First-use nuclear strike" means a nuclear weapons attack against an enemy that is conducted without the President determining that the enemy has first launched a nuclear strike against the United States or a U.S. ally.

S. 200 was introduced in the U.S. Senate by U.S. Senator Ed Markey (Democrat-Massachusetts) on January 24, 2017.

The following dozen U.S. Senators are already co-sponsoring S. 200, the Restricting First Use of Nuclear Weapons Act of 2017:

Sherrod Brown (Democrat-Ohio); Diane Feinstein (Democrat-California); Al Franken (Democrat-Minnesota); Kirsten Gillibrand (Democrat-New York); Patrick Leahy (Democrat-Vermont); Ed Markey (Democrat-Massachusetts); Jeff Merkley (Democrat-Oregon); Bernie Sanders (Independent-Vermont); Brian Schatz (Democrat-Hawaii); Chris Van Hollen (Democrat-Maryland); Elizabeth Warren (Democrat-Massachusetts); Ron Wyden (Democrat-Oregon).

If your Senator is listed above, please thank them for co-sponsoring this vital legislation. (Note that in MA, OR, and VT, both of your U.S. Sens. are already on board!) Contact them via the U.S. Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121. Or look up other ways to communicate with your U.S. Senator(s) at: [Find your Senator(s) at the top of the page by scrolling down to your state on the drop down menu and clicking on the appropriate link(s)].

If your Senator(s) are not yet co-sponsoring this important bill, please consider supporting the creative new outreach opportunity below...

Rick Wayman, at our Alliance for Nuclear Accountability (ANA) coalition parnter group, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation (NAPF) in Santa Barbara, CA, has announced a creative new campaign to support this vital legislation:

NAPF is just about to launch a postcard campaign to encourage more Senators to co-sponsor the bill. We have individually-designed postcards targeting Booker (NJ), Hirono (HI), Harris (CA), and Durbin (IL). We also have a general postcard that people can purchase to be sent to any other Senator.

Here's the deal. You buy a postcard for $1 on our website (links are below). We’ll sign your name to the postcard, stamp it, and send it to your Senator’s office in DC...the products are live and available for purchase online. If you’re so inclined, buy a postcard to send to your Senator(s). The image of the postcard for Senator Hirono is above.

[The front of the postcard reads "NUCLEAR WEAPONS HAVE NO PLACE IN THIS WORLD. Please co-sponsor S. 200, Restricting First Use of Nuclear Weapons Act." See below for the text on the back side.]

Link for Sen. Cory Booker (New Jersey):

Link for Sen. Mazie Hirono (Hawaii):

Link for Sen. Kamala Harris (California):

Link for Sen. Dick Durbin (Illinois):

Link for all other Senators who have not yet co-sponsored:

[The text on the back side of the postcard reads:

Dear Senator ___________,

This may be the most dangerous time in human history. We have a president who is impulsive, erratic, and generally uninformed on nuclear and foreign policy issues.

This is why I urge you to co-sponsor S. 200, the "Restricting First Use of Nuclear Weapons Act," introduced by Senator Ed Markey, which would prohibit the president from initiating a first-strike nuclear attack without a congressional declaration.

The bill has the potential to restrain the president's ability to use the insanely powerful weapons in the U.S. nuclear arsenal.

Senator __________, I hope you'll show the kind of leadership our country so badly needs and co-sponsor this crucial legislation. Nuclear weapons have no place in this world.


Thanks for taking action, and for spreading the word, at this critical time!


Beyond Nuclear on "Loud & Clear" Radio: Looming Nuke Alert a ‘Major Escalation of US Nuclear War Readiness’


US Preparing to Put Nuclear Bombers Back on 24-Hour Alert

As reported in an exclusive by DefenseOne.

The article begins:

If the order comes, the B-52s will return to a ready-to-fly posture not seen since the Cold War.

BARKSDALE AIR FORCE BASE, La. —  The U.S. Air Force is preparing to put nuclear-armed bombers back on 24-hour ready alert, a status not seen since the Cold War ended in 1991.

That means the long-dormant concrete pads at the ends of this base’s 11,000-foot runway — dubbed the “Christmas tree” for their angular markings — could once again find several B-52s parked on them, laden with nuclear weapons and set to take off at a moment’s notice.


North Korea warns US threats 'a big miscalculation'


U.S. carrier patrols off Korean peninsula in warning to Pyongyang

As reported by Reuters.

The article does not mention, however, that the U.S.S. Reagan nuclear powered aircraft carrier is the same one severely radioactively contaminated in March 2011, during relief response activities near the scene of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, after the earthquake/tsunami natural disasters.

Scores of Reagan sailors later fell ill, and some have died, due to their radioactive exposures downwind and downstream of the nuclear catastrophe, a class action alwsuit they have filed alleges. Although the ship underwent some level of decontamination, it is highly likely that significant radioactive contamination remains, including in the sea water desalination/drinking water system, putting the Reagan's current 5,000-person crew at health risk.