





Nuclear Weapons

Beyond Nuclear advocates for the elimination of all nuclear weapons and argues that removing them can only make us safer, not more vulnerable. The expansion of commercial nuclear power across the globe only increases the chance that more nuclear weapons will be built and is counterproductive to disarmament. We also cover nuclear weapons issues on our international site, Beyond Nuclear International.



PEACE WAVE 2021: Call for the elimination of nuclear weapons

From August 2-9, commemorating the atomic bombings in 1945, the Japan Council against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs (Gensuikyo), has called for Peace Wave 2021 events to be organized worldwide. If you are organizing an event, please fill out their form. Beyond Nuclear will continue to add announcements of related events at our Nuclear Weapons page, as we learn of them.
On July 16, Beyond Nuclear's Kevin Kamps attended the 40th anniversary celebration of the Hiroshima Nagasaki Peace Committee of the National Capital Area. Coordinator John Steinbach asked Kevin, a recipient of the Committee's Josephine Butler Award, to speak about the significance of July 16 in New Mexico, marking 76 years since "Trinity," and 42 years since Churchrock's uranium tailings spill.

Nuclear Testing Article Amp Request. Youth peace, climate and disarmament leaders to launch nuclear games on July 23

On July 23, youth leaders from these movements will be launching Nuclear Games, an interactive web-documentary featuring five, people-centered stories of the nuclear age – the soviet submarine commander who averted a nuclear war, the people of Bikini who have suffered from nuclear tests, uranium mine workers in Niger, the first responders in the Chernobyl nuclear disaster and the North Korean nuclear issue.


Youth speaking at the launch event include:

  • Kehkashan Basu (Canada): Founder-President, Green Hope Foundation. UN Human Rights Champion. Winner, 2016 International Children’s Peace Prize. Winner of the inaugural Voices Youth Gorbachev-Shultz Legacy Award; 
  • Divina Maloum (Cameroon): Founder, Children for Peace. Co-winner (with Greta Thunberg) of the 2019 International Children's Peace Prize;
  • Disha Ravi (India): Founder of Fridays for Future India.
  • Kasha Sequoia Slavner (Canada). The 'Sunrise Stroyteller'. Multi-award-winning young documentary filmmaker;
  • Tatsuro Debroux (Japan). Doctor in Law Pompeu Fabra University. Program Officer, Peace Depot. Japan Coordinator, Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament.
  • Michaela Sorensen (Denmark): Board Member UN Youth Network.
  • Vanda Proskova (Czech Republic). Co-convenor of Youth Fusion, the Abolition 2000 Youth Network. Vice-Chair of the PragueVision Institute for Sustainable Security.


For more information and to register see Invitation to July 23 launch of Nuclear Games.


Woman Transforming Our Nuclear Legacy, July 26th


Video available for July 8 webinar marking 25th anniv of Int'l Court of Justice opinion on nuclear weapons

Video is now available for July 8 webinar organized by International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms:

LOOKING BACK AND LOOKING AHEAD: the 25th anniversary of the 1996 ICJ Advisory Opinion on the Legality of Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons!


The opening speaker, Paolo Palchetti, addressed the legal effect of advisory opinions, explaining that opinions are more than “advice”; rather they are authoritative applications of law. Other speakers were: Phon van den Biesen (moderator), Peter Weiss, Christine Chinkin, Takeya Sasaki (video message), John Burroughs (moderator), Alyn Ware, Daniel Rietiker, Manfred Mohr, Kenichi Okubo (video message), and Amela Skiljan. For more about the speakers and their topics, see program.


Video and program can also be accessed via


John Burroughs, Senior Analyst

Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy

220 E. 49th St., Suite 1B

New York, NY 10017

(212) 818-1861


How safe is the U.S. president's 'nuclear football'? Pentagon watchdog to find out

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