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Another case of a vanishing Pandora

Why do Pandora plugs keep vanishing? The latest was a blatant puff piece guest blog on Scientific American's website by nuclear power booster David Ropeik. Ropeik is of course another of The Breakthrough Institute's cronies (which he fessed up to on the Blog) - although his Breakthrough page seems also to have disappeared! But he still has a URL on the Insitute's site: The Breakthrough Institute is promoting the film and its personnel feature heavily in it.

Ropeik's piece was so full of holes, suppression of facts and fallacies that just maybe SA had the good sense to pull it. After all, should a fellow of the Breakthrough Institute be reviewing a film featuring its president, Michael Shellenberger, and which is a vehicle for the Institute's agenda?

Up for a day there was just time for Beyond Nuclear to post an initial rebuttal before the article disappeared. Titled, Will "Pandora's Promise" Start A New Environmental Movement FOR Nuclear Power? it was found at this URL.

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