Radiation Exposure and Risk

Ionizing radiation damages living things and contaminates the environment, sometimes permanently. Studies have shown increases in cancer around nuclear facilities and uranium mines. Radiation mutates genes which can cause genetic damage across generations.


Entries from September 1, 2010 - September 30, 2010


Nuclear facility cleanup to be finished up by 2017

In a major victory for community activists worried about health risks linked to a contaminated former nuclear research facility overlooking the west San Fernando Valley, state and federal authorities on Friday proposed the settlement. The plan would remove soil contaminated with carcinogenic dioxins, heavy metals and radioactive materials. Local activists say the site has been a health risk since a partial meltdown in 1959. Los Angeles Times.



Nominate scientists for NAS nuclear cancer risks panel

The National Academy of Sciences Nuclear & Radiation Studies Board announced that they are accepting nominations for panelists to participate in a study assessing cancer risks from nuclear facilities. Nominations will be accepted through September 30, 2010, and can be submitted by email (crs@nas.edu), phone (202-334-3066), or fax (202-334-2077). Please participate in this nominating process by suggesting independent scientists. The NAS needs to know we are watching and participating. Beyond Nuclear will post updates as appropriate.

The study will be conducted in two phases. Phase one, which started on September 1, 2010, will determine how best to conduct an epidemiological study on the cancer risks from Nuclear Regulator Commission (NRC) licensed facilities in the United States and will continue for 15 months.