NRC FOIA documents regarding Davis-Besse shield building cracking

On January 26, 2012, Beyond Nuclear filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) after NRC Region 3 Acting Administrator, Cynthia Pedersen, refused to provide documents about her decision to approve the rushed re-start at Davis-Besse, despite "unique" cracking of its concrete containment shield building.
In mid-June, 2012, NRC at long last began to respond to the FOIA request (the response is still not complete). Following are links to NRC's FOIA response, APPENDIX B: (PREVIOUSLY UN-RELEASED) RECORDS BEING RELEASED IN THEIR ENTIRETY documents, cited in Beyond Nuclear and environmental coalition allies' 5th supplement to its cracked concrete containment contention, in opposition to Davis-Besse's 20 year license extension, before NRC's Atomic Safety (sic) and Licensing Board (ASLB):
Appendix B Table of Contents; B/1; B/2; B/3; B/4; B/9; B/10; B/13; B/15; B/16; B/18; B/19; B/21; B/22; B/23; B/24; B/25; B/26; B/27; B/28; B/29; B/30; B/31; B/32; B/33; B/34; B/35; B/36; B/37; B/38; B/39; B/40; B/41; B/42; B/43; B/44; B/45; B/46; B/48; B/49; B/50; B/51; B/52; B/53.
A number of these Appendix B documents were cited in Beyond Nuclear's report, "What Humpty Dumpty doesn't want you to know: Davis-Besse's Cracked Containment Snow Job."