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When the people own the power, it works

  • Reuters: France needs more local power for green energy shift--14-11-12 A failure to empower local authorities on energy issues in the next few years could put a brake on its ambition to cut the share of nuclear power in the electricity mix to 50 percent by 2025, down from 75 percent now, green energy experts and local players say. . .
  • Bloomberg: Germany Gives Citizens a Stake in Clean Energy Switch--14-11-12 "Our big utilities completely ignored renewables," he explained. "In the beginning, the Energiewende was driven almost entirely by individuals. Over half of our renewable power is still produced by small operations.". .
  • Greg Pahl's Power from the People--A review--13-11-12 Greg Pahl's Power from the People is an inspirational guide to the burgeoning community power movement. His case studies of people who are making a difference is often a tale of endurance and survival, but also a powerful testament to the human spirit.