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Renewables outcompete fossil fuels in Germany

As reported by Reuters, former giant of the German power sector, RWE, is posting multi-billion dollar losses at its fossil fuel power plants, due to the market competition by renewables such as solar PV and wind power.

Germany's response to the Fukushima nuclear catastrophe was quick and clear. Even the Conservative Party realized nuclear power needed to be phased out. The Social Democrats figured that out after Chernobyl. The Greens figured it out decades ago. So, all three major political parties in Germany agree, nuclear power must be phased out. They plan on doing so by 2022.

Germany also plans to almost entirely phase out fossil fuel use by mid-century, as a response to the climate crisis.

If Germany, a northern country with limited solar PV as compared to other countries, and the fourth largest economy in the world, can go fossil-free and nuclear-free, so can the rest of the world.