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UK solar expert, Prof. Keith Barnham, to speak in Takoma Park

At the invitation of Beyond Nuclear, Professor Keith Barnham, a U.K. solar expert, will give a talk in Takoma Park on Thursday, July 21st 7-9pm at the community center at city hall. For more information, please see our flier.

Could the rooftops of our homes generate unlimited supplies of solar fuel from sunlight and carbon dioxide?

How can the example of Takoma Park help lead a nationwide renewable energy revolution?

What can we learn from renewable energy policies and programs in Europe that could apply here?

Why will closing nuclear plants lead to more renewable energy and not more fossil fuels?

Keith Barnham, Emeritus Professor of Physics and Distinguished Research Fellow from Imperial College London, England, will discuss these questions and other ground-breaking steps toward a 100% renewable energy economy.

Learn about the “artificial leaf”; about solar cells with three times the efficiency of today’s rooftop panels (developed by Barnham’s research group); and about the GIFTS campaign (Get It From The Sun) now underway in the U.K. 

Barnham’s talk will include questions from and discussions with the audience.  Barnham is the author of The Burning Answer: the Solar Revolution, a Quest for Sustainable Power.  Copies of the book will be on sale and signed by the author. More about Barnham's work.