






Canada is the world's largest exporter of uranium and operates nuclear reactors including on the Great Lakes. Attempts are underway to introduce nuclear power to the province of Alberta and to use nuclear reactors to power oil extraction from the tar sands.


Entries from July 1, 2009 - July 31, 2009


Canadian report recommends stricter radiation standard for water

A May 21, 2009 report by a Canadian government agency task force has recommended stricter regulation on the release of tritium from nuclear reactors just as a slew of tritium leaks have been reported at U.S. reactors. Tritium, (a radioactive form of hydrogen), is clinically proven to cause cancer, birth defects and genetic damage with no known safe threshold dose. The Canadian report recommends the "safe" level be dramatically reduced to 500 picoCuries per liter. Current U.S. standards vary. Under Nuclear Regulatory Commission standards, the "safe" dose is one million picoCuries per liter, compared to the Environmental Protection Agency's 20,000 and the State of California's 400.


Canada: Victory! Canadian government must report pollution from mines and mills

April 29, 2009: Environmental groups in Canada have won a victory in federal court that will ensure the Canadian government can no longer conceal pollution from its mines - including uranium mines. Millions of kilograms of carcinogens and heavy metals have been released from Canadian mines into the environment, accumulating in tailings ponds and waste rock piles. The suit was brought by Great Lakes United, Ecojustice and Mining Watch Canada.


Activists put in danger by pro-nuclear vandals

Activists in the Peace River, Alberta area were the victims in early May 2009 of vandalism and death threats. The Weberville Area Connection opposes plans to build nuclear power plants in Alberta which will be used to power extraction of oil from the Tar Sands and to sell energy across the border to the United States.


Bogus panel endorses nuclear for Aberta

An op-ed by Ricardo Acuña of the Parkland Institute denounced the loaded "expert panel" that gave the inevitable green light to nuclear power in Alberta


Nuclear power to extract oil?

That's exactly what's planned for Alberta, Canada. Beyond Nuclear is supporting efforts to keep Alberta nuclear-free.