






Canada is the world's largest exporter of uranium and operates nuclear reactors including on the Great Lakes. Attempts are underway to introduce nuclear power to the province of Alberta and to use nuclear reactors to power oil extraction from the tar sands.


Entries from September 1, 2017 - September 30, 2017


Urge Canadian decision makers to pull the plug on the proposed Great Lakes shoreline radioactive waste dump!

SOS Great Lakes has written an excellent action alert, aimed at Canadian decision makers, urging that the Ontario Power Generation (OPG) radioactive waste DUD (sarcastically short, for Deep Underground Dump), targeted at the Lake Huron shoreline (see photo, right), be rejected once and for all. Beyond Nuclear co-sponsored, spoke, and info. tabled at the 3rd annual Great Lakes Environmental Alliance (GLEA) rally on the St. Clair River in Port Huron, Michigan, in opposition to OPG's DUD, on August 20th. The very next day, out of the blue, Canada's Environment Minister announced another major delay in the DUD licensing proceeding, in order to incorporate Saugeen Ojibwe Nation (SON) decision making proceedings into the overall DUD application review process. While such a delay is welcome, as SOS Great Lakes' action alert points out, it is well past time for Canadian Environment Minister Catherine McKenna, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne to reject OPG's DUD scheme as insane and unacceptable. And even if the SON ultimately decide in favor of allowing the DUD on their territory (already unwilling host to the largest nuclear power plant in the world, by number of reactors -- nine, eight still operable and one a long closed prototype -- the Bruce Nuclear Generating Station), under pressure and financial inducement from OPG, the dump must still be stopped, for it would threaten the drinking water supply of 40 million others downstream, throughout the Great Lakes, in eight states, two provinces, and a large number of additional Native American First Nations. For more info. about the 16-year long resistance struggle against OPG's DUD, and additional Great Lakes nuclear issues, see Beyond Nuclear's Canada website section.