






Canada is the world's largest exporter of uranium and operates nuclear reactors including on the Great Lakes. Attempts are underway to introduce nuclear power to the province of Alberta and to use nuclear reactors to power oil extraction from the tar sands.



"Nuclear Waste: 6,000-page megapetition dumps on nuke vault plan" 

Beverly Fernandez of Stop the Great Lakes Nuclear DumpAs reported by Debora Van Brenk in the London Free Press, the group Stop the Great Lakes Nuclear Dump (STGLND) has submitted a petition containing more than 92,000 signatures to Canada's Environment Minister, Catharine McKenna, urging that Ontario Power Generation's (OPG) proposed radioactive waste dump (or Deep Geologic Repository, DGR) at the Bruce Nuclear Generating Station in Kincardine, Ontario, on the Lake Huron shore be blocked.

The article reports:

The petition also includes 31,000 comments. If printed on paper, the package would have tallied 6,000 pages, [STGLND's Beverly Fernandez] said.

The article quotes Mike Bradley, the Mayor of Sarnia, Ontario, the largest city on Lake Huron: 

“The key issue is that there was not a fair selection process to look at a number of sites in various locations,” said Bradley. “A more rigorous site-selection process is given to locating a Walmart than this repository, which will be there 100,000 years-plus.”

Mayor Bradley added:

“I would like the new Trudeau government to send a strong environmental message about being protectors of the Great Lakes and deny application for the repository,” Bradley said Wednesday.

He was referring to Liberal Party Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, elected on Oct. 19, 2016. Trudeau appointed McKenna as his Environment Minister, a Cabinet-level position.

The article also includes a powerful statement, connecting the Deep Geologic Repository (DGR) issue to the Flint, Michigan lead poisoned drinking water scandal:

Fernandez said residents of Flint, Mich., 100 kilometres from Sarnia, spoke loudly about problems with their water, “and the government did not listen, with disastrous consequences. Now the people are again speaking out loudly, this time about the attack on the Great Lakes . . . We hope the Canadian government is ­listening.”

Flint, a hard-hit industrial city of 100,000, switched its water supply to a river from Lake Huron to save money, but the more ­corrosive river water began ­leaching lead out of pipes in the water distribution system and into the drinking water, despite official assurances the water was safe.

Lead is a neurotoxin that is especially harmful to babies and young children, affecting brain development.

OPG has often pointed to its meetings with Michigan's Republican Governor, Rick Snyder, and Snyder's Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, as the sum total of its outreach to state officials in Michigan, just downstream of the proposed DGR. And, OPG would hasten to add, Snyder and MDEQ did not have a problem with the DGR. Obviously, given Snyder and MDEQ's failure to protect the health and safety of Flint's residents from poisoned water, this is less than reassuring when it comes to the protection of Lake Huron's irreplacable drinking water supply, against the risks of radioactive contamination from the DGR.


Help the Stop the Great Lakes Nuclear Dump petition to top 90,000 signatures: sign it if you haven't already, and "share like crazy"!

One of the many powerful images coupled with moving quotes from petition signers posted at STGLND's Facebook pageThe group Stop the Great Lakes Nuclear Dump (STGLND) has been doing great work in opposition to Ontario Power Generation's proposed radioactive waste dump on the Great Lakes shoreline for years. Now they are pushing hard for their petition to top 90,000 signatures. They are quite close, just over 300 signatures shy. STGLND's spokesperson, Beverly Fernandez, just sent me this alert, below, a couple days ago.

If you have not already done so, please sign STGLND's petition at

And check out their current Facebook posts. Once at STGLND's Facebook post, you can scroll through a series of powerful images, coupled with moving passages quoted from petition signers, about the importance of stopping the Great Lakes nuclear dump. See an example above.

You can also check out STGLND's informative website, full of good news about their incredible work, including their map, showing the latest count of resolutions against the dump: 182 resolutions as of Nov. 23rd, representing Great Lakes municipalities alone where nearly 23 million people live!

And, as Beverly Fernandez at STGLND has urged, please do share this petition action alert like crazy! Thanks!


Great Lakes Nuke Dump Decision Postponed; Critics Call for Dump's Cancellation

OPG's DUD would be built on a peninsula surrounded on three sides by water, just 3/4ths of a mile from the shoreline of the Great Lakes.The newly appointed Canadian Environment Minister, the Honorable Catherine McKenna, has postponed the deadline for deciding whether or not to approve Ontario Power Generation's (OPG) proposal to bury radioactive wastes on the Great Lakes shore at Bruce Nuclear Generating Station in Kincardine, Ontario. The deadline had been next Wednesday, December 2, 2015; she has postponed the decision until March 1, 2016.

Beyond Nuclear has issued a press release (see the Word version for live links to relevant documents). In it, Beyond Nuclear thanks a bipartisan U.S. congressional delegation of 32 Senators and Representatives for writing Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and urging him to cancel the Deep Geologic Repository (DGR) outright, or at the very least, postpone the decision until they can meet with him in person to communicate the concerns and objections of tens of millions of U.S. citizens in eight Great Lakes states. Beyond Nuclear has expressed confidence that Minister McKenna's review of the 13 years of growing resistance to the DUD (short for Deep Underground Dump) will convince her to reject OPG’s proposal as unacceptably risky to the drinking water supply for 40 million people. See Beyond Nuclear's Canada website section for more information.


65 U.S. & Canadian groups call on new Canadian Environment Minister to reject OPG's DGR!

For Immediate Release
November 19, 2015

Public Interest Groups Urge Federal Environment Minister:
Reject Nuclear Waste Dump

Ottawa – Calling the federal review report issued in May on a proposal to bury nuclear waste beside Lake Huron “deeply flawed”, sixty-five Canadian and U.S. public interest groups have sent a joint letter to the federal minister of Environment and Climate Change Catherine McKenna, urging her to reject Ontario Power Generation’s bid to bury radioactive wastes right beside Lake Huron.
McKenna has a deadline of December 2nd to issue a “Decision Statement” under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act. The previous government made drastic changes to that Act, including setting strict timelines. They also gave themselves an extension to the original deadline for responding to the hearing Panel’s May 6th report so that the decision date would fall after the October 19th federal election.
Ontario Power Generation’s proposal was to bury 200,000 cubic metres of low and intermediate level radioactive wastes produced during reactor operations deep underground in a series of underground caverns carved out of limestone. Weeks before the federal hearing began in September 2013, OPG publicly acknowledged its intention to double that amount by adding decommissioning wastes - including radioactive reactor components and contaminated building materials and rubble – through a license amendment after approval based on the initial proposal has been issued.
In May of this year a panel appointed by the former Conservative federal Minister of the Environment Peter Kent and the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission in 2012 provided the Minister with its final report on the review of Ontario Power Generation’s proposed Deep Geologic Repository for Low and Intermediate Level Radioactive Wastes. The Joint Review Panel (JRP) recommended that the federal minister approve the proposed repository, despite the expert evidence they heard throughout the public hearings about numerous technical uncertainties, and an incomplete plan.  The review panel effectively delegated the most important parts of the assessment to bureaucrats within the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, after additional research has been done.
The proposal faces large and growing public opposition. 179 municipalities representing more than 22 million people have passed resolutions opposing OPG’s proposed waste repository. On November 5, 2015, a bipartisan group of six U.S. Senators and 26 U.S. Representatives from a number of Great Lakes states wrote to Prime Minister Trudeau urging him to block the deep geological repository. On September 26, 2015 the Great Lakes Legislative Caucus, a nonpartisan group of state and provincial lawmakers from eight U.S. states (Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin) and two Canadian provinces (Ontario and Quebec) passed a resolution opposing the OPG proposed nuclear waste repository or any nuclear waste repository in the Great Lakes Basin. The Great Lakes are the drinking water supply for 40 million people, in  eight U.S. states and two Canadian provinces and numerous First Nation communities.

“These wastes have to be isolated from the environment for hundreds of thousands of years; burying them in limestone right beside Lake Huron simply makes no sense”, said Kevin Kamps a radioactive waste specialist with U.S. based group Beyond Nuclear.
“Ontario Power Generation’s experts during the hearing talked about Lake Huron being large enough to dilute radioactive wastes that leaked from the repository. That a federal hearing panel would accept using the Great Lakes for the dilution of radioactive pollution as a solution to the industry’s waste management problems robs their report of any credibility.” Said Eugene Bourgois, an area resident and the closest neighbour to the proposed dump.
“The Joint Review Panel got one thing right: they named OPG’s proposed burial plan as “precedent-setting” and described it as “likely … to assist” in the push to bury high level nuclear waste. We’ve always seen this project as the nuclear industry’s trial balloon for nuclear waste burial”, said Brennain Lloyd, a spokesperson with Northwatch.
Ontario Power Generation also holds majority control in the Nuclear Waste Management Organization, an association of provincial utilities in Canada who operate nuclear reactors. The NWMO is currently investigating nine communities as potential burial sites for high level nuclear fuel waste, including 6 in northern Ontario and three in the vicinity of the Bruce nuclear site.

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For comment contact:
Brennain Lloyd                       tel. (705) 497 0373, cell (705) 493 9650
Eugene Bourgois                   tel. (519) 368-5354
Kevin Kamps                          tel. (240) 462-3216



Beyond Nuclear presents at day-long forum in Port Huron, MI in opposition to Canada's Great Lakes radioactive waste dump

Beyond Nuclear was honored to present at St. Clair County Community College's (SC4) 19th annual Global Awareness Day, focused on "The Global Legacy of Nuclear Waste." See the event flier here.

See Beyond Nuclear's powerpoint presentation here, entitled "The Global Legacy of Nuclear Waste: Nuclear Dumps in Canada and Worldwide."

The day-long event was devoted to stopping Ontario Power Generation's proposed Deep Geologic Repository (DGR) for radioactive waste burial at Bruce Nuclear Generating Station (NGS) in Kincardine, Ontario on the Lake Huron shore, upstream of Port Huron, MI.

Other presenters included: the keynoter, Dr. Gordon Edwards of the Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsiblity; sheep farmer Eugene Bourgeois (the nearest neighbor to Bruce NGS); Dr. John Sass, a geophysicist; Michael Keegan of Coalition for a Nuclear-Great Lakes; Natalia Malaydach, a SC4 student from Ukraine, on the Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe; Kay Cumbow and others from the newly formed Great Lakes Environmental Alliance (GLEA); Lynn Rosales, a member of the Aamjiwnaang First Nation, located across the St. Clair River from Port Huron, MI in Sarnia, ON; and others. SC4 sociology professor Kraig Archer hosted the event.

GLEA launched a letter writing campaign against the DGR. It is calling for concerned citizens to write their friends, family, etc. in other U.S. states, urging them to urge their U.S. Representative and U.S. Senators to join the Michigan congressional delegation in calling for the Obama administration to activate the U.S.-Canada International Joint Commission to undertake a comprehensive review of the DGR scheme's risks to the Great Lakes.

Contact your two U.S. Senators, and your U.S. Representative (get patched through to their offices via the U.S. Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121), and urge them to co-sponsor the bipartisan U.S. Senate (S.Res. 134) and House (H.Res. 194) resolutions opposing the DGR; if they already have done so, thank them; if they have not, urge them to ASAP. Likewise, urge them to co-sponsor U.S. Senate and House legislation, the "Stop Nuclear Waste by Our Lakes Act," (S. 2026) introduced by U.S. Sens. Stabenow and Peters, and U.S. Rep. Kildee (Democrats from Michigan). The "Stop Nuclear Waste by Our Lakes Act" (S. 2026) will invoke the 1909 Boundary Waters Treaty, and mandate the U.S.-Canadian International Joint Commission (IJC) to undertake a comprehensive review of the DGR proposal.