Human Rights

The entire nuclear fuel chain involves the release of radioactivity, contamination of the environment and damage to human health. Most often, communities of color, indigenous peoples or those of low-income are targeted to bear the brunt of these impacts, particularly the damaging health and environmental effects of uranium mining. The nuclear power industry inevitably violates human rights. While some of our human rights news can be found here, we also focus specifically on this area on out new platform, Beyond Nuclear International.


Entries by admin (383)


CREDOaction: Tell President Obama: Stop the Dakota Access oil pipeline. #NoDAPL

Update from CredoAction:

Amazing. More than 300,000 CREDO members have joined you in signing our petition urging President Obama to stop the Dakota Access pipeline. Thousands more have called the White House and rallied around the country urging President Obama to intervene.

But last week, militarized law enforcement arrested more than 140 people peacefully resisting the pipeline’s construction, which could be finished within a few short weeks. We need President Obama to intervene now before the construction of this dangerous fracked-oil pipeline moves forward.

Can you help spread the word to build even more grassroots opposition to the Dakota Access pipeline?

Click here to share this action with your friends and family via email, Facebook, or Twitter. Or just forward the e-mail below.

Thank you for being part of the fight to stop the Dakota Access pipeline.

- Josh

P.S. You can go directly to our petition to President Obama by clicking here.


Labor For Standing Rock members launch Union Camp at Oceti Sakowin

An alert from Steve Zeltzer in CA:

Labor For Standing Rock
October 29 at 3:42pm ·
Labor For Standing Rock members launch Union Camp at Oceti Sakowin.

#L4SR #UnionCamp #NoDAPL #MniWichoni

Alexandra Zevin Marty Goodman John C. Lamb Cliff Willmeng Michael Letwin Liam Cain Brenna Cain Mary Ehrhart Dylkowski Scott Dylkowski Chaous Riddle Leslie Gilbert Stauffer

Oct282016 Water protectors under attack [call/Tweet White House now]

Yesterday, the National Guard and State Police raided one of the peaceful resistance camps at Standing Rock. Can you call the White House at (202) 456-1111 and tell President Obama to send Justice Department observers immediately and stop the Dakota Access Pipeline?



Yesterday, the National Guard and State Police raided one of the peaceful resistance camps at Standing Rock.

This frontline camp set up over the weekend along the Dakota Access Pipeline path was cleared by hundreds of heavily militarized police. For months, peaceful actions along the pipeline route have been met by a large police presence – but yesterday's events were different than anything before. 

At least 141 water protectors were arrested after law enforcement used pepper spray, tasers, batons and rubber bullets to forcibly remove those defending sacred land and water. These brutal police tactics are dehumanizing, uncalled for, and a threat to the First Amendment rights of people protecting their land, water and climate from Big Oil.

Call the White House at (202) 456-1111 and ask President Obama to send Justice Department observers immediately and stop the Dakota Access Pipeline.

The original camps near the pipeline route – Oceti Sakowin, Sacred Stone, and Red Warrior – are standing strong. While yesterday’s events were shocking and painful, the spirit and determination of those of the front lines is unwavering.

If completed, this pipeline would carry toxic fracked oil from North Dakota under the Missouri River, immediately upstream from the Standing Rock Sioux Nation. It is not only a threat to the Native communities nearby, but a disaster for the climate.

Click here to send a tweet @POTUS urging him to step in and stop Dakota Access.

President Obama has the power to stop this project by denying the pipelines’s final federal permit. Over 200 tribes are united in opposition to Dakota Access, more than 300 people have been arrested while peacefully resisting, and numerous leaders from Jesse Jackson to Bernie Sanders have come out in support of the Standing Rock Sioux and the #NoDAPL fight.  

We know that the fossil fuel industry has enough coal, oil and gas in their existing mines and wells to push the planet past the red lines of climate safety. Dakota Access is just one symbol of their recklessness -- and the only option left is to stop building any new fossil fuel projects, and fully invest in 100% renewable energy for all.

Water protectors in Standing Rock are defending their rights, their land, and the climate. President Obama should stand with them. 

Tell President Obama to respect the rights of these water protectors and the climate. Call the White House now.

In solidarity, 


Oct282016 petition: Add your name: Stop the Dakota Access Pipeline once and for all

Please sign this petition by

Yesterday, militarized law enforcement agencies moved in with tanks and riot gear on water protectors who stand in opposition to the Dakota Access Pipeline—a massive pipeline project that would cut through four states, impact the water to the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, and violate sacred sites and ancient grounds. While native elders prayed in peace, they were attacked with pepper spray, rubber bullets, as well as sound and concussion cannons. By the end of the day, more than 140 people were arrested.1 Please, add your name and demand that President Obama reject this pipeline once and for all.

Dear MoveOn member,

My name is David Archambault II, and I'm the chairman of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, which has long opposed the Dakota Access Pipeline project. This proposed pipeline presents a threat to our lands, our sacred sites, and our water. Current and future generations depend on our rivers and aquifer to live.

Will you stand in solidarity and urge President Obama to reject the Dakota Access Pipeline, once and for all?

Reject the Dakota Access Pipeline and declare this land a cultural district, eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places, to ensure its protection.


Thousands of American Indians, from more than 300 tribes spanning the continent, have joined with us to stand against this violation of our tribe's rights under federal laws and regulations. More than nineteen city and county governments have also joined us to stand in opposition to this pipeline.2 

We demand that the construction of this pipeline be stopped before any further damage is done.

While we engage in the long legal process to curtail construction of the pipeline, Dakota Access is still poised to begin construction. Halting the construction was an unprecedented step in response to our powerful movement—and now President Obama must reject the pipeline's permit outright.

Click here to add your name to this petition, and then pass it along to your friends.

The Dakota Access Pipeline jeopardizes the heath of our water and would affect our people, as well as countless communities who live downstream, as the pipeline would cross four states. The pipeline, as designed, would destroy ancient burial grounds, which is a violation of federal law.3

Over the past year, I have spent a great deal of time addressing our tribe's concerns about this pipeline. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has failed to follow the law and has failed to consider the impacts of the pipeline on the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and neighboring communities.

Last month, Dakota Access bulldozed two miles of burial grounds. Their private security sicced dogs on and pepper-sprayed those who tried to protect the site. This company cannot be trusted. Urgent action is needed to prevent Dakota Access from continuing to violate federal laws.4

We demand to be heard, and we will continue to stand together for our nation, and for all who live with and by the Missouri River, until justice is done.

Click here to add your name to this petition, and then pass it along to your friends.

Thank you.

—David Archambault II
Chairman, Standing Rock Sioux Tribe


1. "North Dakota pipeline: 141 arrests as protesters pushed back from site," The Guardian, October 28, 2016

2. "Standing With Standing Rock: 19 Cities Express Solidarity Against DAPL," Indian Country, October 13, 2016

3. "What to Know About the Dakota Access Pipeline Protests," TIME, October 28, 2016

4. "FULL Exclusive Report: Dakota Access Pipeline Co. Attacks Native Americans with Dogs & Pepper Spray," Democracy Now!, September 6, 2016

You're receiving this petition because we thought it might interest you. It was created on, where anyone can start their own online petitions. You can start your own petition here.


POWER SHIFT NETWORK: Dakota Access must be stopped.

Following is an action alert from Power Shift Network:

Yesterday, the world watched in horror as police armed with full military gear raided a camp of peaceful Indigenous water protectors who were standing up against the Dakota Access Pipeline.

Police used sonic weapons and rubber bullets on protesters, and eventually arrested nearly 150 people at the 1851 Treaty Camp—named because the land the camp stood on was given to the Standing Rock Reservation under the Ft. Laramie Treaty of 1851.

The shocking images of conflict yesterday have made it clear: it’s past time for President Obama to make a choice. He can either stand up for Indigenous people’s rights, clean water, and the right to peaceful protest—or he can choose to stand on the side of Big Oil, treaty violations, and police brutality.

Add your name now and demand that President Obama make the right choice and reject the permits for the dirty, dangerous, and illegal Dakota Access Pipeline once and for all.

Although the 1851 Treaty camp was forcibly evicted yesterday, the movement to stop the Dakota Access pipeline isn’t going anywhere.

Other resistance camps are still standing strong. And Indigenous leaders are planning a wave of peaceful, escalated action—in North Dakota and around the country—in the coming days and weeks.

Expect more information very soon about ways you can take action in your community to stop this pipeline—and to target the “pipeline companies, banks and individuals behind this project with crimes against Humanity and crimes against Mother Earth,” as the leaders from Standing Rock’s Red Warrior camp have written.

In the meantime, it’s absolutely critical that we put strong pressure on President Obama to show him: the world’s eyes are on North Dakota, and now is the time to act.

Sign our urgent petition to demand that President Obama revoke the permits for the Dakota Access Pipeline once and for all.

In solidarity,

Devyn Powell
Digital Organizer
The Power Shift Network

PS: Once you've signed, here are a few more ways you can support the water protectors in North Dakota right now: first, you can click here to donate to the Red Warrior camp. Second, if you’re interested in traveling to North Dakota to support the front lines, click here to read the Red Warrior Camp’s call to action, and then click here to organize a carpool from your campus or community.
