





Nuclear Costs

Estimates for new reactor construction costs continue to sky-rocket. Conservative estimates range between $6 and $12 billion per reactor but Standard & Poor's predicts a continued rise. The nuclear power industry is lobbying for heavy federal subsidization including unlimited loan guarantees but the Congressional Budget Office predicts the risk of default will be well over 50 percent, leaving taxpayers to foot the bill. Beyond Nuclear opposes taxpayer and ratepayer subsidies for the nuclear energy industry.


Entries by admin (618)


VT's "Nuclear Free Future" discusses nuclear lobbyists' money grabs to prop up old reactors with Beyond Nuclear

Host Margaret Harrington of "Nuclear Free Future" on Channel 17/Town Meeting Television (CCTV Center for Media & Democracy of Burlington, Vermont) talks with Kevin Kamps of Beyond Nuclear about how President Obama visited Hiroshima with the nuclear football, while his administration is going along with a trillion dollar nuclear weapons renovation plan over the next 30 years. The U.S. Department of Energy and the Senate seek parking lot dumps for high level nuclear waste, which would launch large numbers of Mobile Chernobyls. Grassroots environmentalists and consumer advocates from IL to OH, DC to NY continue to resist numerous multi-billion dollar ratepayer bailouts for old reactors sought by nuclear lobbyists.

Watch the 34-minute interview online.

The interview was filmed on June 3rd, but began airing on June 9, 2016.


Exelon lobbyists also seeking ratepayer bailouts to prop up TMI 1 reactor in PA

After announcing closure dates for three non-competitive atomic reactors in IL last week (Clinton by June 1, 2017; Quad Cities 1 & 2 by June 1, 2018), economic woes at its Byron nuclear plant in IL and Three Mile Island Unit 1 atomic reactor in PA are making headlines this week, as in PowerMag.

As reported by Lancaster Online, Exelon's lobbyists have threatened PA legislators with the closure of TMI, perhaps by mid-2018, unless they approve a massive ratepayer bailout.

But as reported by UtilityDIVE, such state efforts to prop up failing atomic reactors are coming too late, especially in the face of failure by nuclear power plants to clear PJM capacity market auctions.

In an interview with E&E TV held the same day as a recent emergency "save the nukes" meeting hastily convened at the U.S. Department of Energy, the CEO and President of the Nuclear Energy Institure, Marvin Fertel, admitted that 10-20 atomic reactors across the country are at risk of near-term closure.

Fertel did not list them by name, but Dr. Mark Cooper did, three years ago. An energy economist at Vermont Law School, Cooper -- way back in July, 2013 -- in a report entitled Renaissance in Reverse, accurately predicted the 2014 closure of Vermont Yankee, and the recently announced closures of: Fort Calhoun, NE (by Oct. 2016); FitzPatrick, NY (by Jan. 2017); Pilgrim, MA (by 2019); and now Clinton and Quad Cities in IL, as mentioned above.


NIRS & AGREE: Cost Study Comments, re: NYS PSC CES

On June 6, 2016, Nuclear Information and Resource Service (NIRS) and Alliance for a Green Economy (AGREE) submitted Cost Study Comments to the New York State Public Service Commission, "In the Matter of the Implementation of a Large-Scale Renewable Program and a Clean Energy Standard."


NEIS update on Exelon reactor closures: "They're back!" Exelon's bad faith bluff and bluster requires ongoing vigilance

Dave Kraft, Director of Nuclear Energy Information Service of Chicago, has just sent out this update:


"GAME ON!" WITH EXELON, ONCE AGAIN: In reality it was probably never "game off."  Although the Legislature did not pass the Exelon bailout bill before the Spring session ended, and although Exelon claims it is now on track to close the two Quad Cities and Clinton-1 reactors as a result, the reality is far different.  Intercepted communications to Exelon plant workers at the reactors show Exelon urging their 1,500 at-risk employees to continue calling the Governor and legislators, urging them to bail out the reactors.  Exelon also announced (for the 4th time, no less) that will they really, really intend to close these reactors, but they also said that a "window" still exists through mid-September before they really have to make a final decision on Clinton-1.  And worse, Mr. I'm a Businessman, anti-union Governor Rauner has declared that we really need to keep these troubled, money-losing reactors open, even with a bailout (his term, not ours)!
We will be meeting this week internally and with allies to develop a summer strategy moving forward on the Exelon bailout, which we will announce to you soon.  There will be plenty of "action" opportunities for you to be a part of.  In the meantime, we ask you to continue the "same old, same old", but with a slight variation:

  1. keep the calls, postcards and letters going in to your legislators, and now, to the Governor;
  2. message is the same, but begin your contact by explicitly stating"This is the one vote I will remember come November!  So,..."
  3. Say NO to Exelon’s corporate welfare bailout! 

    • ·      NO bailouts for Exelon’s aging, money losing reactors
    • ·      Fix the Renewable Portfolio Standard, and expand renewable energy and energy efficiency;
    • ·      Enact a “just transitions” program for reactor communities and displaced workers;  and support renewable energy jobs, and "environmental justice" programs


  4. Here is the contact information for your legislators:

  • ·      Governor Bruce Rauner

     (312) 814-2121

     Leave a comment on his webpage:

  • ·      House Speaker Michael Madigan

     (217) 782-5350

  • ·    Senate Pres. John Cullerton 

     (773) 883-0770


Exelon announces three reactor closures: Clinton in 2017, Quad Cities 1 & 2 in 2018

As anticipated by WTTW, and now confirmed with Exelon Nuclear filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

These three just announced reactor closures now join another already announced reactor closure by Exelon -- Oyster Creek, NJ in 2019. But Ginna, NY and Three Mile Island, PA are also non-competitive, and in serious trouble. Exelon is seeking massive ratepayer subsidies to keep those failing reactors afloat. (See graphic, above.)

But, despite Exelon's apparent moves to follow through on closing three reactors in IL, Crain's Chicago Business reports "Exelon could reverse the decision later if lawmakers act."

As David Kraft, Director of Nuclear Energy Information Service of Chicago, has already advised his members, we will need to remain vigilant.