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Despite the announced closure of Vermont Yankee in 2014, there still remain 30 GE Mark I and Mark II boiling water reactors operating in the U.S. These reactor designs are sitting duck disasters waiting to happen. They are near identical in design to the reactors that exploded and melted down at Fukushima Daiichi. The design was described by former GE engineers in 1976 as "so dangerous that it now threatens the very existence of life on this planet."

This is ever more true today as these reactors age and degrade and our regulator refuses even to enforce minimally effective safeguards. 

Is your community organizing to shut your local Fukushima?

Please join our Freeze our Fukushimas campaign. For background on this flawed reactor design, and for a list of the Mark Is and IIs in the US, download our Freeze our Fukushimas pamphlet and feel free to reprint and distribute it widely. (Please be patient - it may take time to open.)

Please consider downloading our ad (shown left) and using it in your publications and in handouts or on your website and social media sites.

To join the campaign and be a part of upcoming actions, please contact Paul Gunter at Beyond Nuclear. Several important events are in the works and will be announced soon.