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Webcast: Close dangerous GE reactors, 1 PM EST, Sept. 30, 2013

While Japan contemplates how it will permanently freeze a wall 90 feet (30 meters) into the earth around the Fukushima wreckage to contain radioactivity migrating into water and the ocean, the focus must also be on permanently freezing the operation of all GE Mark I and Mark II reactors.

As part of the ongoing effort to “Freeze Our Fukushimas”, you are invited to join in a live webcast and telephone conference at 1 PM Eastern Time September 30, 2013 for a public meeting between Beyond Nuclear and joint petitioners and the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s Petition Review  Board (NRC). The public meeting regards the March 21, 2013 emergency enforcement petition which calls for the revocation of the operating licenses of all General Electric Mark I and Mark II boiling water reactors in the United States.  To view the live webcast public meeting visit or call into the telephone conference line 1-866-741-7009 with passcode 3340595#.

Beyond Nuclear and community groups will present additional information in support of the call for the emergency closure of GE boiling water reactors that continue to operate with unreliable containment structures identical to the Fukushima Daiichi units that catastrophically failed during multiple severe nuclear accidents in March 2011 and where the uncontrolled release of radioactivity continues to increase the contamination of the air, land, groundwater and Pacific Ocean.

The public petitioners charge that current post-Fukushima NRC actions to address dangerously vulnerable US reactors present an undue and unacceptable risk to public health, safety and the environment.