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Four Things You Can Do To Stop The Dakota Access Pipeline [Rising Tide North America and #NoDAPL Solidarity action alert]

Rising Tide North America and #NoDAPL Solidarity have sent out the following action alert:

On Friday, a federal judge ruled against the Standing Rock Sioux’s case to stop construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline. Then, literally, 10 minutes later, the Departments of Justice, Interior and Army issued a joint statement temporarily halting construction under the Missouri River near the Sacred Stone Camp.

This is a true testament to the Indigenous-led people-powered resistance happening at Standing Rock. It is one success -- but there is still a lot of work to do. Land defenders on Standing Rock are preparing to be there until the Dakota Access Pipeline goes away once and for all, and until the colonial systems that allowing this pipeline to be built begin to be dismantled.

On Standing Rock, people are building structures to prepare for the winter, children are going to school everyday and brave Indigenous leaders are continuing to engage in direct action to stop construction of the pipeline.

Now more than ever, we’re asking people to go after the banks that are financing this pipeline: Citibank, TD Bank, Bank of Tokyo and Mizuho Bank. Without these banks’ $2.5 billion loan, this pipeline can never be constructed. The Camp of the Sacred Stone and the Red Warrior Camp have put out a call for solidarity direct action on these banks. Already, San Francisco, New Haven and other cities have taken action.

Here are four things you can do to help stop the Dakota Access Pipeline:

1. Host an action at a bank corporate office, investment office or branch.

2.  Join an action at a bank corporate office, investment office or branch.

3.  Donate to keep the action on the ground in North Dakota going.

4.  Invite your friends and share the Facebook event with your friends and comrades! And if you’ve been a part of solidarity actions let us know about them.

We must continue to support those at Standing Rock who fight back every day. We've got over 135 actions on the No DAPL action map -- and it’s growing everyday. The more we pressure these banks the more likely they are to pull out of this project once and for all. Thanks for all you do

In Solidarity, The NoDAPL Solidarity Team

P.S. -- Don’t forget to share the Facebook event and post pictures of solidarity actions you have attended!