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Stand in Solidarity Against the Dakota Access Pipeline [Center for Biological Diversity Action Alert]

The Center for Biological Diversity has put out the following action alert:

Water is life -- and in North Dakota the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe is leading an inspiring, historic battle to protect it. In an unprecedented show of unity, thousands of people from dozens of tribes have gathered to stop the Dakota Access pipeline.

The pipeline would carry fracked oil from North Dakota to Illinois, slashing through traditional indigenous lands, fragile wildlife habitat, sacred sites and the Missouri River. Spills are inevitable, and the pipeline will worsen climate pollution.

For months people have risked their bodies to stop the construction and challenge the highly controversial fast-track permit granted to the project. Last week industry used attack dogs and mace to bloody and blind people trying to save burial grounds from bulldozers.

Enough is enough. Please join us in standing with the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe -- demand that President Obama act now and use his power to rescind the pipeline permit and stop this project once and for all.

Click here to take action and get more information.