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Standing Rock Sioux Tribe: The EIS has been registered. Now we need your help!

[Feb. 9 update: although President Trump and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers have arbitrarily cancelled the public comment proceeding on the Environmental Impact Statement, the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and numerous environmental groups listed below are still gathering comments, likely with plans to deliver them, as best they can, to incalcitrant federal officials. As Democracy Now! reported on this morning's news headlines, a group of military veterans standing with Standing Rock hand delivered 200,000 comments to the U.S. Army Corps' Manhattan HQ yesterday, even after the Trump administration declared the EIS proceeding null and void! So yes indeed, please keep submitting comments, per the links and instructions below!]

On Jan. 23, 2017, the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe issued the following action alert:

Dear Water Protectors:

On January 18th, the Department of the Army published in the Federal Register its Notice of Intent to require an Environmental Impact Statement.

This is another small victory in defeating the proposed Dakota Access Pipeline.

The fight, however, is still not over.

While the EIS is exactly what we called for, we must ensure that it fully takes into consideration tribal treaty rights, natural resources, cultural and sacred places, socio-economical concerns, and environmental justice.

We need your continued support as this process moves forward.

Submit a comment to the Civil Works Division, and help us show the Army that #MillionsStandWithStandingRock

Click HERE to submit a comment.