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BREAKING: Army Corps greenlights DAPL. Take action now!

Action alert from League of Conservation Voters (LCV):

Sign the petition: Tell the Army Corps to complete the Environmental Impact Assessment on the Dakota Access Pipeline »

Late yesterday afternoon, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers announced they will issue a permit to start construction on the Dakota Access Pipeline by drilling under Lake Oahu.

The Water Protectors are saying this is their last stand. Once the drilling starts, the water of the whole Standing Rock Sioux Nation and the 17 million people downstream will be endangered. We must act IMMEDIATELY.

The Army Corps is accepting public comments on the Dakota Access Pipeline until February 20. Now is our chance to make our voices heard!

Together, we can be so loud that the Army Corps will have to complete an Environmental Impact Study and keep their word to the Standing Rock Sioux Nation.

Don’t allow this pipeline to be built! Tell the Army Corps of Engineers to keep their word and finish the Environmental Impact Assessment »


The Trump administration is set to greenlight the Dakota Access Pipeline despite the Army Corps of Engineers never completing a full Environmental Impact Statement.

Those at Sacred Stone Camp are asking for everyone to come out and act. This is our last stand.


Reviving the Keystone XL pipeline and pushing forward the Dakota Access Pipeline were among Trump’s very first executive actions. The Army Corps was directed to conduct an Environmental Impact Statement by President Obama in December, but now they have changed course completely. This is unacceptable!

The Standing Rock Sioux have vowed to fight this in court and will hopefully get an injunction against this action. It is our job now, as those who stand with Standing Rock and the Water Protectors, to speak out. We need to get as many of our friends, family, and neighbors to leaves public comments as well. Government agencies pay attention to the number of comments they get, as they often don’t speak to the public everyday as part of their work.

The Army Corps has an obligation as a federal agency to conduct a full environmental review. Let’s remind them of their duty. We will deliver your comments in person to the Office of the Army Corps of Engineers here in DC.

The Environmental Impact Study must be done. Tell the Army Corps: don’t turn your back on your federal duty »

Spread the word about this to everyone you can! The Water Protectors need us.

Thank you for all you do.

Yours in Resistance,

Yazmin Khan
Digital Campaign Manager
League of Conservation Voters

1920 L Street, NW Suite 800
Washington, DC 20036