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Emergency rally TODAY: fight DAPL & Trump

Akilah Sanders-Reed, Power Shift Network, has sent out the following action alert:

We need you to stand up against the Dakota Access Pipeline today.

Two weeks ago, Trump signed two dangerous executive orders paving the way for approval of the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines. And yesterday, Trump’s Army Corps of Engineers announced they would allow the final leg of the Dakota Access oil pipeline to be built—a reversal of their decision under President Obama to halt the permits for the pipeline.[1]

Then, Trump even had the audacity to say this yesterday: “I don’t even think it was controversial...I haven't had one call from anybody.”[2]

My hunch is that if Trump really hasn’t had “one call,” it’s because he shut down the White House comment line.[3] So since he’s not taking calls, let’s prove him wrong by taking to the streets.

TODAY in DC, show Trump just how “controversial” this dirty pipeline is by coming to an  emergency rally at the White House at 5:00 today. Click here to RSVP to the rally on Facebook.

Here are the details for today’s emergency rally:

What: Emergency rally to protest Trump’s unjust approval of the Dakota Access Pipeline

Who: Speakers will include some of the Indigenous leaders who have been fighting this pipeline since the beginning, including Eryn Wise from the International Indigenous Youth Council and Linda Black Elk from the NoDAPL Medic and Healer Council.

Where: Lafayette Square, just north of the White House.

When: TODAY, Wednesday, February 8th, at 5:00 PM.

The stakes for the Dakota Access Pipeline fight have never been higher, and we need people in the streets. Click here to RSVP for tonight’s #NoDAPL emergency rally on Facebook.

We all know Donald Trump has long wanted to build the Dakota Access Pipeline. And it’s no wonder: he personally invested in this pipeline[4], and the CEO of the company building it donated more than $100,000 to Trump’s campaign.[5]

We know where Trump stands. Now it’s time we showed him where the people stand. If Trump wants to build this pipeline, he has to go through us. See you in the streets!


Akilah and the Power Shift Network team

PS: Can’t make it in person tonight? You can still increase the impact of our action by spreading the word on social media—check the Facebook event page later for a link to a livestream, and follow #noDAPL on Twitter. And keep an eye out, because there will be many more opportunities to take action. We’re not going anywhere!


More information:

[1] “US army 'to grant Dakota Access Pipeline permit' after Donald Trump signs executive order,” The Independent

[2] “Donald Trump: ‘I haven’t had one call’ complaining about Dakota Access Pipeline,” The Independent

[3] “Trump Shut Down White House Comment Line, So This Tool Lets You Call One of His Businesses to Complain,” Common Dreams

[4] “Trump Supports Dakota Access Pipeline. Did We Mention He’s Invested In It?” Huffington Post

[5] “Top executive behind Dakota Access has donated more than $100,000 to Trump,” Reuters