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What Do You Know About Nuclear Energy? Let's Learn Together! New York City, Dec. 7th

Yuko Tanaka of the NY Women's Network will host a "Learn from 3/11" event, entitled "What Do You Know About Nuclear Energy? Let's Learn Together!" on Wed., Dec. 7th at 6:30pm at the Japanese American Association of New York (15 W. 44th Street, 11th Floor, NY, NY 10036).
Doors will open at 6pm, and there will be books to check out, as well as informational handouts to take.
Gary Shaw of Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition, Yuko Tonohira of Todos Somos Japon, and Kevin Kamps of Beyond Nuclear will be speaking, and Aileen Mioko Smith of Green Action will skype in from Japan.
See the flyer for more information, or check out updates on Facebook:
ADMISSION is $10, plus any donation will be appreciated. A portion of the proceeds will go to ‘Fukushima Network for Saving Children from Radiation.’
Please RSVP to if you would like to attend. Please spread the word! Thanks!

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