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Tepco ignored 2008 warning about tsunami risk at Fukushima Daiichi

The U.K. Guardian has reported that Tokyo Electric Power Company rejected an internal report in 2008 warning that a 10 meter high tsunami could threaten its Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. The March 11, 2011 tsunami that hit the 6 reactor atomic complex was closer to 15 meters tall. At the same time, Masao Yoshida, Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant manager since the catastrophe began, has been hospitalized for undisclosed health problems. Ironically, he headed the Tepco department that oversaw Fukushima Daiichi's management when the report was submitted in 2008. He is also credited with defying Tepco orders to stop sea water cooling at Fukushima Daiichi early in the catastrophe--which likely prevented an even worse meltdown.

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