The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission is mandated by Congress to ensure that the nuclear industry is safe. Instead, the NRC routinely puts the nuclear industry's financial needs ahead of public safety. Beyond Nuclear has called for Congressional investigation of this ineffective lapdog agency that needlessly gambles with American lives to protect nuclear industry profits.


Entries from July 1, 2021 - July 31, 2021


"CATEGORICAL EXCLUSIONS" -- NRC attempts end run around laws

Seventy-two organizations, including Beyond Nuclear, have endorsed comments authored by attorney Terry Lodge of Toledo, Ohio. Lodge has served as legal counsel for coalitions of anti-nuclear groups for more than four decades. The coalition comments push back against the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's pursuit of "categorical exclusions" -- attempted end runs around such bedrock federal laws as the National Environmental Policy Act and the Atomic Energy Act. NRC's Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, if enacted, would pull the rug out from under numerous anti-nuclear resistance campaigns, such as those against so-called "Very Low-Level Radioactive Waste" dumping in normal landfills; misuse of large parts of limited Decommissioning Trust Funds for purposes other than essential radiological contamination cleanup; etc.