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Rauner signs Exelon nuclear bailout (and NEIS response)

As reported by AP.

NEIS posted the following comment in response to the AP article, and the passage of the Exelon Nuclear bailout in IL:


If Gov. Rauner really and truly believes that, " closing the plants would have "devastated the two communities,"  then he should have worked to bail out the potentially devastated communities, not the hugely profitable private corporation. 

For over 2 years our organization argued that the State must insist that a "just transitions" program be instituted to protect reactor (and perhaps coal) communities from the withdrawal of "company town" utilities.  Absent such a proactive plan, this "bailout tango" will be repeated in the future when Byron, LaSalle, Dresden and Braidwood start to become "unprofitable" for Exelon.  We spelled out potential funding mechanisms, which are eminently negotiable. We left copies of this plan at the offices of over 40 legislators and state officials, including Governor Rauner's office, Rep. Madigan's office, Sen. Cullerton's office, the AG's office, and numerous individual legislators including Sen. Radogno, the Clean Jobs Bill sponsors, and others.  We personally gave copies to Sen. Chapin Rose, and representatives from the Quad Cities chamber of commerce and City Administrator of Clinton.  We made it part of our testimony before the House and Senate Energy Committees.  We urged that it become a topic of discussion and negotiation in the current legislation. 

No luck.

Evidently. legislators love 6-hour public hearings, and annual bailout proceedings.  It's much easier to pass the bills along to disempowered ratepayers than to engage in responsible governance.  Happy holidays, all.

--David Kraft, Director, Nuclear Energy Information Service, Chicago--