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Court Rejects Effort to Dismiss Lawsuit Challenging $7.6 billion Nuclear Subsidy In NYS’s Clean Energy Standard

As reported by Oswego County Today, as well as at the Hudson River Sloop Clearwater website.

Beyond Nuclear has been honored and privileged to take part, for many long months and even years, in the environmental coalition's legal challenge to the massive ratepayer-funded subsidies, shamelessly intended to bail out four dangerously old atomic reactors on the Lake Ontario shore in upstate NY (while using funds meant for "clean energy" to do so!). We hope the environmental coalition groups that have established legal standing in this court case will now prevail on the merits, for the sake of NY ratepayer pocketbooks, as well as the safety, security, health, and environment of New Yorkers, Ontarians, and beyond, over vast regions downwind and downstream.