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NATIONAL DAY OF ACTION: Protesting nuke power bailouts in Chicago

Photo by Dave Kraft, Director, NEIS of ChicagoOn September 13, Beyond Nuclear's Kevin Kamps, and fellow Don't Waste Michigan board member Michael Keegan, traveled to Chicago. They stood with Nuclear Energy Information Service director Dave Kraft, NEIS board members and supporters, as part of the National Day of Opposition Against Nuclear Bailouts. (Kamps and Keegan are holding the yellow "Nuclear Power? No Thanks!" flags in the photo, taken in front of a Marc Chagall mosaic mural outside Exelon Nuclear HQ in downtown Chicago.) Participants wore placards and handed out pamphlets protesting the around $25 billion Exelon would receive as part of $58 billion in federal infrastructure bill nuclear subsidies currently proposed. Ironically, later that day, a $694 million Illinois bailout for dangerously age-degraded Exelon reactors was approved.