




« Public Citizen's Tyson Slocum on Russia Today T.V. about flooding at Ft. Calhoun | Main | Cooper atomic reactor -- identical twin to Fukushima Daiichi Units 1 to 4 -- sludge pond uncontrollably releasing contents into river due to flooding »

"Floodwater Flowing into Sewage Lagoon at Fort Calhoun Station"

As revealed by the sequential media releases posted below by the Omaha Public Power District at its website, the situation at Fort Calhoun nuclear power plant 20 miles upstream of Omaha is deteriorating due to historic flooding on the Missouri River, with sewage now flowing uncontrollably into the floodwaters, not unlike what's also occurring at Cooper atomic reactor 60 miles downstream of Omaha (see entry immediately below):

"Wastewater Bypass Put in Place at Fort Calhoun Station

June 16, 2011

A partial bypass has been put in place to divert groundwater from leaking into a sanitary wastewater lift station from the Administration Building at Fort Calhoun Station.

The bypass equipment will pump excess groundwater away from the lift station, used to transport sewage. Wastewater Treatment Lagoons are not flooded and are operating properly. The excess wastewater is being pumped from the lift station into Missouri River flood waters

The area around the Administration Building has been posted, warning personnel to stay clear while the lift station is bypassed.

For health and safety reasons, all individuals are cautioned to avoid contact with any flood water."

"Floodwater Flowing into Sewage Lagoon at Fort Calhoun Station

June 23, 2011

Rising water from the Missouri River has begun flowing into a sewage lagoon at Fort Calhoun Station. A partial bypass was recently put in place to divert water that had leaked into a sanitary wastewater lift station, allowing the continuation of most of the flow to the sanitary lagoons. The water overtopping the sewage lagoon this week will be considered a continuation of the previous bypass issue by the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality.

A sign has been erected in the area around the Administration Building advising personnel to stay clear of the discharge that is occurring. For health and safety reasons, all individuals are cautioned to avoid contact with any flood water."