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START off to a good start

Reproduced from the Daisy Alliance newsletter: One of the more prominent nuclear issues in 2010 is the U.S. Nuclear Posture Review.  Will the U.S. finally decrease their reliance on nuclear weapons as a policy tool or continue with its same Cold War attitudes?  A recent Arms Control Wonk blog post by Jeffrey Lewis, "Declaratory Policy," reviews the nuclear posture review deliberations and analyzes potential policy outcomes.Good news in the ongoing Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START 1) extension negotiations.  Guy Faulconbridge reports in Reuters India that Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov stated Tuesday that both Russia and the U.S. are planning to make unprecedented reductions to their nuclear arsenals.  Negotiators failed to produce an extension document prior to the expiration of START 1 in December.  This article also discusses some of the technical issues that have prevented a completed extension treaty.